Maine Coon Queens

Kelferron Queens

Kelferron Maine Coons

Kelferron Arctic Fox

Silver Tortie Tabby

Justcoon’s Thunderbolt x Kelferron Moonlight

Kelferron Maine Coons

Kelferron Calypso

Silver Classic Tabby

Funnyfootprint’s Franklin & Kelferron Kazzia

Kelferron Maine Coons

Champion Kelferron Skyfall

Blue Smoke 

Dances with Wolves Blue Ocean x Justcoon’s Li-Sense


Kelferron Maine Coons

Kelferron Mintaka

Blue Smoke

Funnyfootprint’s Franklin x Ch Kelferron Skyfall

Kelferron Maine Coons

Kelferron Moonshine

Blue Silver Tortie & high White

Kelferron Helium X CH Kelferron Bubble Rock

Waiting Image

Kelferron Blue Moon

Blue Silver Classic Tabby

Funnyfootprint’s Franklin x Kelferron Arctic Fox

Kelferron Maine Coons

Kelferron Jalisco

Kelferron Maine Coons

Kelferron Gin Fizz

Blue Silver Tortie & high White

Kelferron Helium X CH Kelferron Bubble Rock

Kelferron Maine Coons

Kelferron Moonshine

Blue Silver Tortie & high White

Kelferron Helium X CH Kelferron Bubble Rock

Kelferron Maine Coons

Kelferron Moonlight

Blue Tortie (RETIRED)

Dances with Wolves Blue Ocean x CH Pillowtalk’s Fortuna

Kelferron Maine Coons

Grand Champion Kelferron Cobweb

Brown Classic Tabby (RETIRED)

GR CH Bloomingtree KK Ironman x CH Pillowtalk’s Fortuna

Kelferron Maine Coons

Silvalake Ferrari

Brown Classic Tabby & White (RETIRED)

Ducatti of Cadazz *SK x Kelferron Azeri

Kelferron Maine Coons

Champion Pillowtalk’s Fortuna (DE)

Tortie Mackerel Tabby (RETIRED)

Pillowtalk’s Kongo x Pillowtalk’s Mamma Mia

Kelferron Maine Coons

Champion Kelferron Bubble Rock

Silver Tortie Tabby (RETIRED)

CH Kelferron Silver-Falcon x CH Pillowtalk’s Fortuna